Posted: March 16, 2012 in Awfulness, Crap, Horror, Leprechauns, Movies (L), Warwick Davis

Leprechaun Back 2 Tha Hood (2003).

Look, you’re a different person after 10 years, if all goes well.  What I got a twisted kick out of in high school, I usually have far less interest in, or patience for, as an adult.  And having since seriously studied and then worked in film, there are things I’ve picked up and observed about filmmaking that I can’t unlearn.  There’s a way some things have to be done, and the way things should be done, and when they’re not done that way, a movie is technically unreleasable.

So when I call the sixth Leprechaun film the worst of the series, without question, by a huge margin, I’m no longer discussing a movie that is so-bad-it’s-good or a movie that is simply bad.  What I’m telling you is that this movie is unwatchable.  Literally.  At least with the other five, you can see what’s going on.  Whether you want to see it or not is your own decision, but at least the images are viewable.

Leprechaun 6 is so shoddily filmed that it’s very often impossible to make out the action.  I saw this [with any luck] final entry in the series a couple years back and I was probably drunk at the time, but my faculties are such that I should still be able to describe what happened during the running time, even if I hate it.  Not so, this time.  I haven’t seen this many unnecessary Dutch angles, incoherently edited sequences, or disorienting camera placements since I walked out of Battlefield Earth.  This movie is so filled with Film School 101 violations that it can hardly be considered a movie at all.

Which is ironic, because it arguably features the best cast of any Leprechaun film to date, including Tangi Miller (supercute), Laz Alonso (destined one day for stardom), Sticky Fingaz from Onyx (and The Motherfucking Shield), and of course Warwick Davis (who seems as bored by now with this shit as I am).  Too bad the film stock is so muddy that their performances are obstructed.

Right, so it’s a sequel to a sequel and a continuation of an insane idea that was poorly executed the first time and instead of being improved upon, that idea is done even worse the second time, with some of the most inept filmmaking you could ever see.  Why am I writing this long about this movie?  It’s a piece of crap.  Flush that shit.

Next up: With any luck, oblivion.


  1. Ryan McNeely says:

    Oh man, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Lionsgate are planning a reboot. Here’s the story at Empire: http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=33427. Sorry dude.

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